Conferencia Internacional de Evaluadores de ONG:
generando confianza

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International Conference of Charity Monitors: Raising Trust

Thursday 23 March 2023 | Madrid

On Thursday, 23 March 2023, Fundación Lealtad hosted the International Conference of Charity Monitors. Under the claim ‘Raising Trust’, this event was attended by members of the International Committee on Fundraising Organizations (ICFO), the global network of charity monitors that brings together 20 countries from all over the world (America, Asia, Africa and Europe), and which has been presided over by Fundación Lealtad since 2020.

Under the claim ‘Raising Trust’, the event aimed to raise awareness of the important role played by charity monitors in both facilitating informed giving and strengthening the Nonprofit Sector. The conference was also be a meeting point for monitors from all over the world and a place where all the attendees shared their experience and initiatives at the Third Sector.

The event covered topics such as the importance and status of the monitor, evaluation models around the world, the situation of trust in institutions, and the situation of the Third Sector at a global level. There were also be discussions with major donors and an in-depth look at the criteria and decision-making process for selecting charities to collaborate with. Case handlers also played a key role on the day.

The ‘International Conference of Charity Monitors’ took place on Thursday, 23 March 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m., in the auditorium of the Official Association of Architects of the Community of Madrid (Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de la Comunidad de Madrid, COAM), and could also be followed online. A cocktail followed the conference.

                  We tell you in our blog how the Conference was and why the charity monitor is an essential figure 

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Full attendance capacity. You can register to attend online

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    Video and photo recording: All attendees are informed that during the events, images and videos will be captured for publication on Fundación Lealtad website, newsletter, as well as on social and other media".


    Salvador García-Atance, presidente y cofundador de Fundación Lealtad

    «Necesitamos un Tercer Sector fuerte, dinámico y activo y para eso hace falta generar confianza, entre otras cosas. Los evaluadores de ONG ayudamos, o pretendemos ayudar a generar confianza en el Tercer Sector.» 

    «Nos lo dicen muchas ONG. Una de las cosas más importantes de nuestra labor es la mejora que se produce debido al proceso de análisis.» 

    Versión original en castellano – See broadcast with simultaneous translation into English here 

    El papel del evaluador como generador de confianza

    Ana Benavides, directora general de Fundación Lealtad y presidenta de ICFO

    «Los evaluadores de ICFO tenemos tres pilares en común: Lo que evaluamos, cómo lo hacemos y lo que publicamos para que cualquier persona pueda consultar.»

    «Analizamos según unos principios públicos y revisados periódicamente […] con analistas formados que dependen directamente del evaluador […], evitando conflictos de interés, con posibilidad por parte de la ONG de aportar más información […] y se reevalúa a las ONG periódicamente.» 

    «Estamos para ofrecer información y para dar confianza.» 

    Versión original en castellano – See broadcast with simultaneous translation into English here 

    Evolución de los modelos: tradición, innovación y tendencias

    • CBF (Holanda) – Harmienke Kloeze, directora general
    • Confío (México) – Javier García, director general
    • DZI (Alemania) – Burkhard Wilke, director general
    • ZEWO (Suiza) – Martina Ziegerer, directora general
    • Modera: Ana Benavides, directora general de Fundación Lealtad y presidenta de ICFO

    «Hablamos de evaluación orientada al desarrollo. Ayudamos a las organizaciones a desarrollarse, este proceso [de evaluación] debe ayudar a las ONG a mejorar su grado de profesionalidad, esto implica una mejora de la calidad y afecta a todo el sector.» – Harmienke Kloeze

    Versión original en castellano e inglés – See broadcast with simultaneous translation into English here – Ver grabación con traducción simultánea a castellano aquí 

    Una visión mundial de la confianza en gobiernos, medios, empresas y ONG

    Edelman Spain – Pelayo Alonso y Lucía Carballeda, co-general managers

    «Desde que empezamos a estudiar la confianza hasta 2020, las ONG han sido la organización que ha liderado la confianza.» 

    «Si ONG y empresa privada aparecen como los mas valorados, parece lógico pensar que existe una gran oportunidad y un claro camino hacia el éxito si se consigue trabajar de manera conjunta, generando consenso, definiendo políticas comunes, llegando a estándares alineados y compartidos.»

    Versión original en castellano – See broadcast with simultaneous translation into English here

    Cómo recoger, enriquecer y difundir la labor de las ONG a partir de información pública

    • BBB Wise Giving Alliance – Art Taylor, presidente y director general
    • Charity Navigator – Michael Thatcher, presidente y director general
    • Modera: Salvador García-Atance, presidente y cofundador de Fundación Lealtad

    «El número de personas que dona a ONG está disminuyendo .» 

    «El trabajo de hacer el bien se está convirtiendo en algo que es responsabilidad de todos.» – Michael Thatcher 

    Versión original en castellano e inglés – See broadcast with simultaneous translation into English here – Ver grabación con traducción simultánea a castellano aquí 

    Sustento de la relación con donantes, beneficiarios, voluntarios, empleados, colaboradores y contrapartes

    • Manos Unidas – Guillermo González de la Torre, responsable de estrategia y calidad
    • Fundación Exit – Nacho Sequeira, director general
    • Médicos Sin Fronteras – Raquel González, coordinadora MSF España
    • Modera: Marta Colomina – directora general de Fundación PwC

    «Desde que empezamos a estudiar la confianza hasta 2020, las ONG han sido la organización que ha liderado la confianza.» 

    Versión original en castellano – See broadcast with simultaneous translation into English here

    Jerónimo López, científico y alpinista

    «Desde que empezamos a estudiar la confianza hasta 2020, las ONG han sido la organización que ha liderado la confianza.» 

    Versión original en castellano – See broadcast with simultaneous translation into English here

    ¿Por qué donan a una ONG … y no a otra? Estrategia, enfoque y criterios

    • Fundación Bancaria “la Caixa” –  Joana Prats, directora del área de Relaciones con Entidades Sociales
    • Fundación Juan Entrecanales de Azcárate – Inés Entrecanales, directora
    • INECO – Celestino Rodríguez, director ejecutivo de Coordinación Corporativa
    • Modera: Patricia de Roda, directora general de Lealtad Instituciones

    «Desde que empezamos a estudiar la confianza hasta 2020, las ONG han sido la organización que ha liderado la confianza.» 

    Versión original en castellano – See broadcast with simultaneous translation into English here

    Qué les moviliza para vincularse a una ONG y ser su altavoz. Cómo afrontan la responsabilidad que implica

    • Ángel Expósito, periodista, director de La Linterna de Cope

    • Nathalie Picquot, directora global de Corporate Marketing, Brand Experiencie y Digital Engagement de Banco Santander

    «Desde que empezamos a estudiar la confianza hasta 2020, las ONG han sido la organización que ha liderado la confianza.» 

    Versión original en castellano – See broadcast with simultaneous translation into English here

    Salvador García-Atance, president and co-founder of Fundación Lealtad 

    See broadcast with simultaneous translation into English 

    The role of the evaluator in building trust

    Ana Benavides, president at ICFO and CEO of Fundación Lealtad

    See broadcast with simultaneous translation into English

    Evolution: tradition, innovation and trends

    • CBF (Netherlands) – Harmienke Kloeze, CEO
    • Confío (Mexico) – Javier García, CEO
    • DZI (Germany) – Burkhard Wilke, CEO
    • ZEWO (Switzerland) – Martina Ziegerer, CEO
    • Moderator: Ana Benavides, CEO of Fundación Lealtad and president of ICFO

    See broadcast with simultaneous translation into English

    A worldwide vision of trust in government, media, business and NGOs

    Edelman Spain – Pelayo Alonso and Lucia Carballeda, co-general managers

    See broadcast with simultaneous translation into English

    Gathering, enriching and disseminating the work of NGOs using public information

    • BBB Wise Giving Alliance – Art Taylor, president and CEO
    • Charity Navigator – Michael Thatcher, president and CEO
    • Moderator: Salvador García-Atance, president and co-founder of Fundación Lealtad

    See broadcast with simultaneous translation into English

    Supporting the relationship with donors, beneficiaries, volunteers, employees, collaborators and counterparts

    • Fundación Exit – Nacho Sequeira, CEO
    • Manos Unidas – Guillermo González de la Torre, head of strategy and quality
    • Médicos Sin Fronteras – Raquel González, coordinator of MSF Spain
    • Moderator: Marta Colomina, CEO of Fundación PwC

    See broadcast with simultaneous translation into English 

    Jerónimo López, scientist and mountaineer

    «Desde que empezamos a estudiar la confianza hasta 2020, las ONG han sido la organización que ha liderado la confianza.» 

    See broadcast with simultaneous translation into English

    Why do they donate to one NGO… and not another? Strategy, focus and criteria

    • Fundación Bancaria “la Caixa” – Joana Prats, director at area of relations with social entities
    • Fundación Juan Entrecanales de Azcárate – Inés Entrecanales, CEO.
    • INECO – Celestino Rodríguez, executive director of corporate coordination
    • Moderator: Patricia de Roda, CEO of Lealtad Instituciones

     See broadcast with simultaneous translation into English 

    What motivates them to connect with an NGO? How do they approach the responsibility involved?

    • Ángel Expósito, journalist and director of the program La Linterna at radio Cope

    • Moderator: Nathalie Picquot, director of corporate marketing, brand experience and digital engagement at Banco Santander

    See broadcast with simultaneous translation into English 

    Ignacio Garralda, president of Mutua Madrileña and co-founder of Fundación Lealtad

    See broadcast with simultaneous translation into English 

    Full recording with simultaneous translation into English
    Full recording with simultaneous translation into Spanish
    Full recording (without simultaneous translation)

    International Conference of Charity Monitors: Raising Trust

    Thursday 23 March | Madrid

    In person (9 am to 4 pm) | Online (9.30 am to 2.30 pm)

    9:00 – 9:30 REGISTRATION 
    9:30 – 9:40

    Salvador García-Atance, president and co-founder of Fundación Lealtad

    9:40 – 9:55

    The role of the evaluator in building trust

    Ana Benavides, president at ICFO and CEO of Fundación Lealtad.

    9:55 – 10:40


    Evolution: tradition, innovation and trends

    CBF (Netherlands) – Harmienke Kloeze, CEO

    Confío (Mexico) – Javier García, CEO

    DZI (Germany) – Burkhard Wilke, CEO

    ZEWO (Switzerland) – Martina Ziegerer, CEO

    Moderator: Ana Benavides, CEO of Fundación Lealtad and president of ICFO

    10:40 – 11:00

    A worldwide vision of trust in government
    , media, business and NGOs

    Edelman Spain – Pelayo Alonso and Lucia Carballeda, co-general managers

    11:00 – 11:45


    Gathering, enriching and disseminating the work of NGOs using public information

    BBB Wise Giving Alliance – Art Taylor, president and CEO

    Charity Navigator – Michael Thatcher, president and CEO

    Moderator: Salvador García-Atance, president and co-founder of Fundación Lealtad

    11:45 – 12:15



    12:15 – 12:55


    Supporting the relationship with donors, beneficiaries, volunteers, employees, collaborators and counterparts

    Fundación Exit – Nacho Sequeira, CEO

    Manos Unidas – Guillermo González de la Torre, head of strategy and quality

    Médicos Sin Fronteras – Raquel González, coordinator of MSF Spain

    Moderator: Marta Colomina, CEO of Fundación PwC

    12:55 – 13:15

    Jerónimo López, scientist and mountaineer

    13:15 – 13:55


    Why do they donate to one NGO… and not another? Strategy, focus and criteria

    Fundación Bancaria “la Caixa” – Joana Prats, director at area of relations with social entities 

    Fundación Juan Entrecanales de Azcárate – Inés Entrecanales, CEO.

    INECO – Celestino Rodríguez, executive director of corporate coordination

    Moderator: Patricia de Roda, CEO of Lealtad Instituciones

    13:55 – 14:15

    What motivates them to connect with an NGO? How do they approach the responsibility involved?

    Ángel Expósito, journalist and director of the program La Linterna at radio Cope

    Moderator: Nathalie Picquot, director of corporate marketing, brand experience and digital engagement at Banco Santander

    14:15 – 14:30

    Ignacio Garralda, president of Mutua Madrileña and co-founder of Fundación Lealtad

    14:30 – 16:00




    The conference can be followed online


    Institutional opening event



    President and co-founder of Fundación Lealtad

    See more

    PhD in Economics from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Doctorate studies in Economics from Oxford University, he also has a Master's degree in Economics from Northwestern University (Evanstone III, USA) on his CV. As a Commercial Technician and State Economist, he has spent much of his career in the economic environment and industrial property, leading him to found and chair AB Asesores. Since 2001, he has been co-founder and Chairman of Fundación Lealtad.

    Two reasons to invest in monitoring

    The role of the evaluator in building trust.

    Ana Benavides

    Ana Benavides

    President at ICFO and CEO of Fundación Lealtad

    See more

    After over 20 years providing financial advice to entities such as Banco Santander, since 2017, she has held the position of Executive Editor and Chairwoman of the board of trustees of Fundación Lealtad. Since 2020, she has been the Chairwoman of ICFO (International Committee on Fundraising Organizations), the international association of NGO evaluators, and is a board member of Confío-Construyendo Organizaciones Civiles Transparentes A.C., Mexico. She studied European Business Studies at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICADE-E4 and the E.S.C. Reims. She also holds a degree in Geography and History from the UNED.

    Monitors around the world
    Evolution: tradition, innovation and trends



    CEO of CBF (Netherlands)

    See more

    Harmienke has been working in the NGO-sctor for more than 30 years, with the last 20 years in charities, nationally and internationally, always in leadership positions. Since 2019 she is the CEO of CBF, Toezicht op goeddoen, the Dutch monitoring organzation for charities. She joined the board of ICFO in 2022.

    Javier García

    Javier García

    CEO of CONFÍO (Mexico)

    See more

    With a degree in Business Administration and a postgraduate degree in Administration with a specialisation in civil society organisations from the Tecnológico de Monterey, he has collaborated throughout his career with different NGOs in projects of institutional strengthening and direct assistance to users in situations of vulnerability. He is also currently secretary general of the International Committee on Fundraising Organisations (ICFO) and has held various senior positions at Confío since 2011


    Burkhard Wilke

    CEO of DZI (Germany)



    Executive director of ZEWO (Switzerland)

    See more

    Martina Ziegerer is economist with a PhD from the University of St. Gall. She moved to the NPO sector twenty years ago. Before Martina gained professional experience in the financial sector, where she worked for international corporates in organizational development, marketing and corporate finance. She is attending the expert’s commission for accounting standards (Swiss GAAP FER) as an observer and served until 2020 as President of the International Committee on Fundraising Organizations (ICFO) – the association of national charity monitoring agencies.

    Ana Benavides

    Ana Benavides

    President at ICFO and CEO of Fundación Lealtad

    See more

    After over 20 years providing financial advice to entities such as Banco Santander, since 2017, she has held the position of Executive Director and Secretary to the Board of trustees of Fundación Lealtad. Since 2020, she has been the Chairwoman of ICFO (International Committee on Fundraising Organizations), the international association of NGO evaluators, and is a board member of Confío-Construyendo Organizaciones Civiles Transparentes A.C., Mexico. She studied European Business Studies at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICADE-E4 and the E.S.C. Reims. She also holds a degree in Geography and History from the UNED.

    Do we truts in institutions?
    A worldwide vision of trust in government, media, business and NGOs

    pelayo alonso

    pelayo alonso

    Co-general manager of Edelman Spain

    See more

    After 18 years of experience in the comms business, his area of specialization covers public relationship strategy development and implementation, brand positioning and reputation and crisis management. He has been involved in across multiple segments and industries like entertainment, tech, travel & tourism, technology, food&beverage, beauty or health care for clients such as HP, Paypal, TikTok, Tinder, Iberostar Hotels & Resorts, Dove, Avis, Galderma or Costa Cruises, among others, Pelayo is responsible for conceptualizing and driving local and global campaigns, founded on good ideas and sustained by data and insights.

    lucía carballeda

    lucía carballeda

    Co-general manager of Edelman Spain

    See more

    After 18 years of experience in the comms business, his area of specialization covers public relationship strategy development and implementation, brand positioning and reputation and crisis management. He has been involved in across multiple segments and industries like entertainment, tech, travel & tourism, technology, food&beverage, beauty or health care for clients such as HP, Paypal, TikTok, Tinder, Iberostar Hotels & Resorts, Dove, Avis, Galderma or Costa Cruises, among others, Pelayo is responsible for conceptualizing and driving local and global campaigns, founded on good ideas and sustained by data and insights.

    United States: Different paths to a single destination
    Gathering, enriching and disseminating the work of NGOs using public information

    Art Taylor

    Art Taylor

    President and CEO of BBB Wise Giving Alliance

    See more

    He has chaired the BBB Wise Giving Alliance since 2001. He is also an associate member of the doctoral programme at Indiana University’s Lily School of Philanthropy and a graduate professor of Ethics and Governance at Columbia University. He sits on the boards of different entities, such as Convergence Policy and American Non-Profits. He studied Business Administration at Franklin and Marshall College and holds a juris doctor from the James E. Beasley School of Law at Temple University, among other degrees. 



    President and CEO of Charity Navigator

    See more

    After over fifteen years at Microsoft as Head of Public Sector Technology and with extensive experience in research on the state and challenges of the ocean world, he now leads Charity Navigator's efforts to make impact giving easier for users by providing donors and organisations with the tools they need to make the right decisions. Thatcher also holds a degree in music from Columbia University.



    President and co-founder of Fundación Lealtad

    See more

    PhD in Economics from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Doctorate studies in Economics from Oxford University, he also has a Master's degree in Economics from Northwestern University (Evanstone III, USA) on his CV. As a Commercial Technician and State Economist, he has spent much of his career in the economic environment and industrial property, leading him to found and chair AB Asesores. Since 2001, he has been co-founder and Chairman of Fundación Lealtad.

    Trust: A key component in the Third Sector
    Supporting the relationship with donors, beneficiaries, volunteers, employees, collaborators and counterparts

    Nacho Sequeira

    Nacho Sequeira

    CEO of Fundación Exit

    See more

    A graduate in Economics from Pompeu Fabra University, he has taken part in the Global Civil Society seminar at the Harvard Kennedy School and specialised in Social Entrepreneurship at INSEAD, as well as in NGO Management at ESADE. He also has a postgraduate degree in Social Education and Social Work with Immigrants from the Ramon Llull University

    guillermo gonzalez de la torre

    guillermo gonzalez de la torre

    Head of strategy and quality of Manos Unidas

    See more

     He holds a degree in Journalism and a Master's degree in 'Quality and Consultancy' and in 'Direction and Management of NGOs' and has experience in consultancy, university, social services and development cooperation. Among other positions, he has been chairman of the Code of Conduct Commission and member of the Transparency Group of the Spanish NGO Coordinating Committee for Development. He is currently in charge of Strategy and Quality at Manos Unidas, a position in which he deals with issues such as risk management, ethics, transparency and improvement of the organisation's processes. He is also a member of the CSR Observatory, the AENOR Committee on Ethics and the WCA 3rd Sector Compliance Committee.

    raquel gonzalez

    raquel gonzalez

    coordinator of Médicos Sin Fronteras España

    See more

    Since 2008, she has been a member of Médecins Sans Frontières, where she has been involved in institutional representation, civil society actions, media relations and other activities. She has also served on several crisis committees. She holds a degree in Journalism, with postgraduate degrees in International Conflict Resolution and Business Administration. She also holds a Master's degree in NGDO Planning and Management.

    Marta Colomina

    Marta Colomina

    CEO of Fundación PwC

    See more

    With a degree in Economics and Business Administration from the Faculty of Valencia, an MBA from the University of Houston and postgraduate training at Harvard and UCLA, Marta Colomina is currently General Executive Editor of the PwC Foundation and head of CSR at the company. In her role, she promotes and coordinates, among others, PwC's social programmes, collaborations and relations with the Third Sector, as well as the implementation of the SDGs in the company's actions. With an extensive career in the Third Sector, she is a member of the board of trustees of the Fundación Seres, of the advisory board of the Fundación Quiero Trabajo, of the Esade Social Leaders Forum, of the board of the Spanish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and is a Fellow of the Aspen Institute.

    Trust in extreme environments and situations



    Scientist and mountaineer

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    He holds a PhD in Geological Sciences and is Emeritus Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He has been involved in Antarctic research since 1989, having led more than 30 research projects and participated in a dozen Antarctic expeditions. From 2012-2016, he was chairman of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR). He has climbed some of the highest and most demanding mountains in the world, opening new routes in the eight-thousanders and seven-thousanders of the Himalayas and Karakorum.  

    How do institutional donors select
    Why do they donate to one NGO… and not another? Strategy, focus and criteria

    Joana Prats - Fundación Bancaria "La Caixa"

    joana prats

    Director at area of ​​Relations with Social Entities of Fundación Bancaria “la Caixa”

    See more

    Degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She has developed her professional career in "la Caixa" Foundation, mainly in the development and implementation of educational and prevention programs as well as social programs.



    CEO of Fundación Juan Entrecanales Azcárate

    See more

    With a background in the study of Non-Governmental Organisations and experience in teaching several art-related subjects, her philanthropic work, combined with the management of other businesses, has led her to be the current Executive Editor of the Fundación Juan Entrecanales de Azcarate, vice-Chairwoman of Ashoka Spain, member of the Regional Board of Madrid of the Spanish Cancer Association and member of the advisory board of the Fundación Balia, among others



    Executive director of Corporate Coordination of INECO

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    Civil Engineer and Technical Engineer in Public Works with over 16 years' experience. He has ample experience in private enterprises and public administration, participating in projects such as the Castilla y León Public Road Passenger Transport Act. Since 2018, he has held the position of Head of the Chairman's Office at INECO.

    Patricia de Roda

    Patricia de Roda

    CEO of Lealtad Instituciones

    See more

    Degree in Economics and Business Administration from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICADE-E2, she has more than 20 years of experience in the Third Sector, both in executive and governing
    in executive positions as well as in governing bodies. She has been Director of
    Institutional Relations of Fundación Lealtad from 2003 to 2006,
    General Director and Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Lealtad from 2007 to 2017,  and since 2017, she has been CEO of Lealtad Institutions. At the international level, she actively participated
    in the constitution and start-up of Confío and Fundacion Lealtad Chile, and has been Vice President of the International Committee on Fundraising Organizations (ICFO) and Board member of Confio AC

    Prescribers serving a cause
    What motivates them to connect with an NGO? How do they approach the responsibility involved?

    Angel Expósito


    Journalist and director of the program La Linterna at radio Cope

    See more

    Nathalie Picquot

    Nathalie Picquot

    director of corporate marketing, brand experience and digital engagement at Banco Santander

    See more

    Executive Vice President and Global Director of Marketing, Brand Experience and Digital Engagement at Banco Santander. Before joining the bank in 2021, she was Director of Twitter Spain and Portugal for three and a half years and, before that, she worked twelve years at Google in a executive position in Strategic Partnerships, Brand, Agencies and was Director of YouTube and Display in local and regional positions. She was previously Director of Business Development for EMEA at AdLINK and held a global business development role at DoubleClick in New York. Nathalie is graduated in Political Science and International Relations from Cornell University with several Exec Ed courses at Harvard. She is an independent adviser of Sanitas Seguros, advisor of Inspiring Girls, a member of the Amazon EMEA Ads Advisory Board and a ex advisor former of MasMovil.


    ignacio garralda

    ignacio garralda

    President of Mutua Madrileña and co-founder of Fundación Lealtad

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    After a long career in the financial world with milestones in his career such as the founding of the first company independent of banks and savings banks focused on financial analysis and intermediation in Spain, he was one of the founders, in 2001, of Fundación Lealtad. Since 2008 he has been the Chairman of the Mutua Madrileña Group, where he has also promoted its foundation, expanding and developing its activities in the areas of social action, cultural dissemination, support for health research and road safety.



    Fundación Lealtad is an independent evaluator of NGOs. We analyse the management, governance, use of funds, financial position, volunteering and transparency of NGOs. So that you can collaborate with a guarantee and make an effective donation. See more