About us
We are an independent evaluator aimed at fostering trust in the NGO sector amongst donors and Spanish society at large in order to increase donations and other types of collaborations. We have developed the first NGO monitoring methodology in Spain based on a series of standards of transparency and best practices.
Since 2001, we have monitored more than 1.000 NGOs, inspiring similar initiatives in Spain and Latin America to work towards increasing charities’ accountability. Moreover, Spanish donors have recognized the importance of our work as a source of public information.
In 2023, Fundación Lealtad annual income was 906.085€ including 67% of the funds coming from institutions and private corporations, 14% from NGO, 13% from individuals, and 6% from the Public Administration. Breakdown of total expenses (979.440€) was: 86% mission, 8% fundraising and 6% administration.
1. Promoting NGO transparency and best practices
Our main activity in Spain is to monitor NGOs and check their compliance with the 9 Standards of Transparency and Best Practices. These standards are broken down into 36 sub-principles that analyze the consistency of their activities with their mission, their impact, the proper functioning of the governing, the effective use of resources, their sustainability and their communication. The volunteer management and the enforcement of legal obligations are also analyzed.
If the analysis concludes that the NGO meets all the standards, the organization is entitled to use the Accredited NGO Seal on its communication and fundraising materials. In addition, its report is published on www.fundacionlealtard.org
If the NGO does not comply with all the standards, we help the organization to improve its accountability and management processes. Every year the foundation supports more than 800 NGOs by setting up information sessions, organizing workshops, giving them access to best practice case studies, etc.
2. Promoting NGO Collaboration
We offer free of charge independent, objective and consistent information on NGOs in order to help individual and institutional donors decide what charity to collaborate with. Through our Accredited NGO Searcher, internet users can identify charities according to names, projects, scope of actions, geographic area, and beneficiares. their
Corporations and private entities which support us also have access to assistance and tailor-made reports to identify the NGO and the projects that fit with the company’s social strategy, publication of solidarity proposals for accredited charities, etc.
Board of Trustees & Staff
Our governance body is the Board of Trustees, which is primarily responsible for the fulfillment of the mission and the efficient management of resources. Currently, it is composed of three institutional trustees and nine individual members:
Chairman: Salvador García-Atance Lafuente
Vice chairman: Fundación Mutua Madrileña, represented by Rufino García-Quirós García
Institutional trustee: Banco Santander, represented by Juan Manuel Cendoya Méndez de Vigo and María Ruiz-Moyano Pérez
Institutional trustee: PwC España, represented by Ana Peláez Morón
Member: Laura Abasolo García de Baquedano
Member: Ignacio Cabrera García
Member: Helena Revoredo Delvecchio
Member: Joaquín García-Quirós Rodríguez
Member: Pedro Guerrero Guerrero
Member: Alberto Knapp Bjeren
Treasurer: Cecilia Plañiol Lacalle
Member: Gonzalo Ulloa y Suelves
Secretary: Ana Benavides
Download full CV of the members of the Board of Trustees here
Our team is made up of 13 employees and 1 volunteers. The management team is formed by Ana Benavides, the CEO; María Alvear, the Analysis Director; and María Eugenia Larrégola, the Institutional Relations and Communication Director.
We are also active in international projects and task forces.
International presence
Fundación Lealtad is the Spanish member of Charity Monitoring Worldwide (henceforth CMW), the global network of charity monitoring organizations. CMW´s mission is to advance transparency and accountability in the charitable sector, promoting trust within society towards charities making a positive impact.
As a network, CMW is dedicated to ensuring satisfactory organization and execution of fundraising for charitable purposes, while upholding the highest standards of governance and maintaining adequate administration of collected funds.
Currently, CMW brings together monitoring organizations from 20 countries: Austria, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland , Taiwan, the Netherlands, United States and Ukraine.
Since 2020, our CEO, Ana Benavides, holds the Chairmanship.
Together we monitor more than 6,700 NGOs in Europe, Asia and America. More information in Charity Monitoring Worldwide website.
In Latin America, we have helped countries such as Mexico (since 2009), through its national organization Confío, to adapt the Spanish monitoring methodology. Ana Benavides is member of Confío’s Board.
Since 2011, we are member of the Spanish Association of Foundations (AEF), where our CEO, Ana Benavides, formed part of the Board of Directors until 2019.
We are also member of Asociación Española de Fundraising (AEFr), the Spanish Fundraising Association, whose objective is the development of philanthropy and fundraising in Spain.
Finally, we are honorary member of the World Compliance Association in order to promote and make visible compliance in the so-called Third Sector.
Lealtad Instituciones
In 2017, we went one step further in our contribution to strengthening the non-profit sector in Spain with the constitution of Lealtad Instituciones, an independent organization whose mission is to analyze and accredit the Transparency and Good Practices of business and heritage foundations.
Suscríbete a nuestro boletín
En cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (RGPD) y demás normativa aplicable, respecto del tratamiento de datos se informa de lo siguiente: Responsable: Fundación Lealtad 2001 (CIF G82938002). Finalidades: Atender sus consultas y remitirle la información que pueda ser de su interés, así como mantener la relación que se pueda establecer con ONG, donantes, empresas e instituciones públicas y enviar información acerca de las iniciativas, novedades y eventos propios. Derechos: Acceder, rectificar, limitar, suprimir, portabilidad y oposición al tratamiento de sus datos dirigiendo correo electrónico a fundacion@fundacionlealtad.org. Más información pinchando aquí.